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nuclear transplantation中文是什么意思

用"nuclear transplantation"造句"nuclear transplantation"怎么读"nuclear transplantation" in a sentence"nuclear transplantation"的同义词


  • 核移植
  • 核移值


  • A preliminary study on porcine cloning via cumulus cell nuclear transplantation
  • The key to nuclear transplantation with adult cells lies in nuclear reprogramming or chromatin remodeling
  • Effect of electrical and chemical activation on reconstructed embryo formed by rat - mouse inter - species somatic cell nuclear transplantation
  • This study were designed to investigate development potency of the reconstructed embryos of black bear - cat inter - species nuclear transfer in vitro / vivo , to develop the principle and technology of somatic nuclear transplantation in inter - species of mammalian and to study the mechanism of coordination between cell nuclear and cytoplasm . somatic nuclear transplantation technology has been used to establish stem cell from different animals , which can provide materials to treat various diseases
  • Different from mammals , the early embryos of fish can not be preserved for the long period at the very low temperature ( - 196 ) . therefore , three methods were usually applied to cryogenic preservation of the fine and rare species of fish : 1 ) perserving fish spermatozoon in cryogenic condition . researchers have had systematically studied on this technique for many years , and this technique has been utilized in application and made a lot of effects ; 2 ) combining with the techniques of cell engineering ( nuclear transplantation and electric fusion etc . ) , and through the process of culturing histiocyte of fish , cryopreservation and re - culture after thawing , carrying out somatic cell breeding of fish . the past studies showed that the nucleolus of somatic cells of fish have totipotency
  • This study were designed to investigate development potency of the reconstructed embryos of rat - mouse and rat - bovine inter - species nuclear transfer in vitro / vivo , to develop the principle and technology of somatic nuclear transplantation in inter - species of mammalian and to study the mechanism of coordination between cell nuclear and cytoplasm . somatic nuclear transplantation technology has been used to establish stem cell from different animals , which can provide material to treat various diseases
用"nuclear transplantation"造句  



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